The day of Pentecost is the day many Christ followers remember when the disciples received the Holy Spirit in a special way. In Acts 2, Jesus' followers received the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire and powerful wind. During the season of Pentecost, many Christians take intentional time to celebrate and support one another in the gifts given to us by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Sacred Home journey will take people of all ages through scripture readings, prayer, wondering, conversation, serving others and creative reflection. This box will include:
Guide to Pentecost- Use the weekly guide to engage in the practices provided in the box throughout the season of Pentecost. Connect with God and others through scripture reading, wondering together, love your neighbor challenges and prayer.
Reflect and Talk Cards- Use the conversation talk points provided on these cards to inspire deeper conversation around the table or to reflect on your own (great to pair with journaling or a walk with your Creator).
Pentecost Postcards- Use the watercolor paints and postcards to create Spirit-led art and mail this to someone else who you see the Spirit working within and/or through.
Home Altar- The items below should be gathered together around your home altar space to cultivate intentional time to connect with God and others.
Pentecost Prayer Cards- Display the Pentecost prayer cards with a wooden card stand.
FIRE- Spirit Sighting Candle- Light your candle during your daily time at the table as you reflect on where you noticed God that day.
WATER- Holy Spirit Shell- The waters of baptism remind us of the Spirit of God calling us beloved children. The shell reminds us of our own baptism and God's love for us.
WIND- Pinwheel Prayers- Enjoy a moment of playful prayer as you use the pinwheel and pray the breath prayers provided in your guide.
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