Draw Near - Lent/Easter Box
The season of Lent is a time that Christians set aside for drawing nearer to God and neighbor. Lent is observed for the 40 days, not counting Sundays, that lead up to Easter. In this season, we take on practices that form us into people shaped by the life and love of Jesus Christ. Our Lent box, Draw Near, comes with practices and activities inviting your family to come alongside Jesus throughout this holy season. The materials engage with Bible stories of Jesus drawing near to those around him. The activities and materials in this box extend the invitation to draw near through art, prayer beads, wondering questions, and a Lenten countdown to take you through Holy Week and Easter Sunday. This resource provides many ways for you to wonder, play, create, and pray together this Lent.
Orders are now open for pre-order. This box will ship later in February and arrive in time for the start of Lent (March 2).
*Price includes shipping within the United States.
**For bulk or church orders, please email us at [email protected].